I smell an epic party cumin on :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
The more the merrier :-) :-) :-) :-)
Going to be so fun popping that cherry :-)
Eager little lady :-) :-) :-)
Oh as tempting as that sounds, my boss would so not agree.... :(
I'd be happy to pull you of the wall in sept :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)
Ahem gspot!!!! Please do share your hints :-) :-) :-)
Woohooo.. More singles :-) :-) ( and cute ones at that)....your going to have a ball!#####
Hi :-) :-) :-) :-) :-)....excellent date choices this year,,,, get the party started for me..I arrive on the 16 :-) :-) :-).....first drinks on me...
is it september yet,,,,, wooohoooooo,,,, first drinks on me!!!!
occupation night is a cinch for me (: its this ABC thing I'm struggling with.... also trying to figure out how to strategically perch my...
call me crazy,, but all bets are off once my *date* gets sick,,, lol.. you keep your rumplevomit on your side and ill keep my cinnamon on my...
how ever shall we tantalize these adorable single guys into switching to sept ... sept 16-23 specifically... :ladiesman1:
fireball is always the answer,,,, and the question!!!.. fireball?? hell yes,,,,,,, (:
ohh we love fresh meat,!~ so much fun to break ya in!:aktion033:
silly boy,, you don't need rumplimintz to get me topless, you know that,, heheh,,,, hows the 14,,, you sharing ????? (:
of course you will be in long island and ill be in mexico,, how is that fair,,,, ok ,,, i get 2 days with you,, just got to make the best of it!...
i hear a jacuzzi party invite coming my way??? :aktion033:
You need to extend your stay........ You are totally welcome to share my room
I'm working on the yacht for the 18, afternoon