It’s typically a meet and greet with alcohol, and some icebreaker games to get people to have fun, flirt and get to know one another. 4-6 couples...
We usually meet up around 430-5ish. I think you might have to skip that one. I will put out some more info on the 30th room crawl this weekend.
We get into the resort around lunch...... On the 30th :mad:
They definitely ramp it up at TTR. Usually the nighttime set up is much more extravagant, and they do a really good show. A few years ago they...
Thanks all for the advice. Let Regina flirt away, I’m sure Jen will flirt back with her. I would say, somehow us asking about making the...
Hmm, So cut myself or get naked :eek: I’m trying to figure out if the wardrobe malfunction idea was from Kath. My initial thought is this has...
This is our first referral trip so we have to do the pitch. My question is this. We have no interest in buying and have been to TTR four times...
We were just looking at the resort themes and wondering if we want to change any. I can post from Xmas on. One theme I am not too fond of but I...
Temptation has a fun flirty attitude, topless only. The other two have a more sexual atmosphere, however there is a percentage of party people...
Room crawls can be whatever, there are no set rules, as long as all are comfortable. That said, I think you may have more luck discussing play on...
My recommendation is for you to not go out to coco bongo on NYE, the resort will have a much better party.
Great, glad we have a good group. We are not in bash so you all might need to rough it for a little while ;) I’ll capture who is participating...
It typically entails a game, a few rooms and a drink people can have. We will meet up in the late afternoon before people Snap. We host...
I know there is a few crawls set up for a few days earlier but we don’t arrive till the 30th so we would like a one stop shop to meet all the fun...
Save some crawling for the 30th ;)
I’d say it’s about 60% about temptation, obviously some themes are more popular than others. Lingerie, white, glow are usually much higher percentage.
We pound water till around 12pm, then drink a bit, eat lunch, pool/warm tub till 4-5 ish. SNAP, dinner, get changed from dinner, relax then hit...
On the theme. I know others dig it, including my better half, but steam punk is a lot of clothes for Mexico. Room crawl. Not sure if others...
We are not in the bash tower, but I’m sure a few people on here will know our room ;)
We asked last year and got it no problem. We are not premier either.