Jk Think meet and greet in peoples rooms with sexy Games and drinks.
Think orgy
As of today this is what we have. We might need another room host with the number of people. Ideally, we would not be the first up for the crawl...
14 days 14 hours!
We can make a roster this weekend.
Yay,it looks like we have a group of 4 or 5 couples so we can make it a go.
Depends what you consider fun, are you a single dude, couple? Fun for us may be different for you. Daytime/nighttime always depends on the crowd.
Relax, eat, have a drink, sleep...then get ready for fun after breakfast the next day.
Um...i think we can close this one down, whatever she picked, it’s long past.
We are skipping the cruise of the boobs this time as well. We can have our own version in the pool.
18 days and done Packing
I do find it funny that some believe swingers are going to swoop in and force people to have sex. You can take any neighborhood and I would say...
I’d watch it though....those swingers can convert the unconvertable :D
Looks like lots of eligible Dec 30th room crawl people in this thread. I promise their will be boobs... Not saying whose boobs tho..
Your not supposed to party before the party...
People are fighting to join this room crawl....jk. Where is Chails, vesper vixen? We have less than 3 weeks! Thus far we have Host: cnparda...
We felt the same then Jen found a hot skirt looking thing with a corset and I was sold.
Time is flying by with less than a month left in the year. We arrive around lunch on Dec 30th but we are willing to be one of the hosts for a...
Yes, but...this is not about rounding the bases, while some bases may get passed, this is more a primer to see who you can fun with during your time.