We will be there Apr 18-25. Our 5 th time Look forward to meeting you and no worries about the lifestyle thing. People are very respectful and no...
trip number 5 Trip Number 5 :flagcanada::flagcanada: April 18-25 Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces and meeting new ones!...
It was great meeting you and yet sad that it was such a short visit with it being your last day, we will make up for that on our next visit! Cheers
That was one hell of a great trip report! Unfortunately you seem to be a bit of an introverted wallflower so I'm not sure ........did we meet?...
Done under Callista1105....feel better soon Chinos...
.....we will arrive around 3pm instead of 1pm what the hell.......somebody better have some catching up drinks ready at the sexy pool for us:)
Keith....... we are sharing the April sun again shortly, we will keep a cold beer ready for you :) Laurie and Mike
Gotta say I am getting super excited to meet everyone...April has the hottest, funniest, friendliest group going...looking forward to seeing old...
Countdown time So glad it's almost April....cannot wait to meet everyone ....3 weeks tomorrow we will be in the funniest place on the...
Deposit in for 2 - woohoo!!! Thanks Steve
325 in, we'll see if we can't find a few other emails :)
89 is in for you, good luck Karen!
we share the 18th arrival too! :)
Yum we love them...especially if the bottles are chilled...
so excited to met everyone! Woohoo...can't wait till April 18th....:lotsofmichaelfs:
We see from Woody's pdf we will be at the resort for a couple days together....looking forward to having a beverage or two together....cheers
April 18 -25 th Second time in April...Fifth time to Temptations..look toward to meeting everyone ..can't wait!
Good call on the thread:liebe011: We are in!!
aggressive workout/diet? ...whoa whoa whoa I'm trying to get into a bit better shape to keep up with the bigsexy, not take the title :)