We are April 19-26 and bringing 3 couples ..they are all newbies
We just booked guys...April 19-26.. we will have a cold drink waiting for you at the pool !
Just booked April 19-26...trip 7 and we are bringing 2 newbie couples ! Can't wait !
Great to meet you both!
Great to meet you both !
Omg 4 sleeps to go ! Woohoooooooo
THE PEOPLE...Oh and the sexy pool !
13 days to. april18-25 Ok getting excited now....looking forward to meeting new friends and seeing old ...:partytime:
14 more sleeps Woke up to snow today again....:flagcanada: Counting down the days :lotsofmichaelfs:
Sweet baby Jesus April is finally here! Now 18 more days.......
Does snow and air not come in equal proportions in your neck of the woods Ed?:icon_mrgreen:
Thanks for the request, looking forward to sharing a beverage or two with you. Our dates are the 18th to the 25th!
We are not going to deny one of us is a lush, maybe both if the sun is shining...but rest assured we will save a beverage or two for your...
3 weeks to go 18-25 YES :flagcanada::ernaehrung005::partytime:
20 days.... 18-25 :flagcanada::beer4:
We get there on the 18th ...Can't wait ...thanks for doing this
Hey we are there Apr 18-25 See you at the pool!
Hey Fellow Canadians....we are there Apr 18-25 Look forward to meeting you
Awesome ! Looking forward to seeing you guys !
Hey fellow Canadians ..we are there apr 18-25. Looking forward to meeting you both Laurie and Mike