Agree. Pay if you want to be involved as you Will feel excluded, unless you're the type of couple that is OK with going off-resort for some club...
Indeed! It's also a Very different experience when you go experience TTR the First time... and then compare to when you go back for the 30+ time...
According to the TR from the O/P's 20-something (no offense, I'm called a 50-something) even she didn't have the most awesome visit to "Today's...
Ack! @FakeNewsTeam I am becoming depressed!
Yellow. I need that is a pretty cool thing emoji...
I was just thinking the same thing, Paul!!! Wed go away and leave them alone for a year and the whole thing slides off the shelf into the...
It's called Desire Riviera Maya... and it's absolutely awesome. LOL! ...but... that being said, the rest of the commentary on the crowd at...
Nice TR, been a minute since reading anything around here... going to have to fix that I think...
Stacia did the one out by the Sports Pool... when there WAS a Sports Pool. Sort of out of the way, about 8 girls, guys in the chairs, some dude...
The way to answer Question #1 is, "Not yet..." To find costumes that she likes, and fit, start ordering Now, from Yandi (spelling?), and tell her...
This seems like sort of a weird problem to "just come up?"
Ice is bad for you, unless it is surrounded by alcohol.
The name of the Hotel is Temptation." Not "Temptations." I wonder why so many people make that mistake? That mis-spelling, or mis-pluralization...
Stacia's not bought the Skinzwear bikinis as they're not small enough, she says. I've got the guys microshorts, and they fit right. I'm not at all...
I just ended a trip of 9 days and I was skinny-dipping each day AND night, in the ocean AND in the pools. At DRM. SOLVED.
I'd be OK with my usual Poolside hang-out at the Member's Deck Bar. No need for a table, and the last time we were there (LDW 2020) there was...
Hard NOT to show naughty bits in a sheer Malibu Strings teardrop bottom... just sayin'! LOL!
Oh I agree with you on that, the old-TTR isn't better at quite a few things as compared to reno-TTR. It's just not nearly as naughty and I miss...
Our only issue with the plan is that it's a lot of "moving." Also, you'll be having such a good time at DRM then go to Pearl and everything will...
Watch the Sexy shows & games from IN the Sexy Pool, easiest solution. The thing's so big there's no way you won't find a good spot. Shows at...