Stacia thought it'd look... unkempt is the word she uses... if nothing else, your kitty would look "messy" if there's pubes running amok out of...
As usual the icecube and TTR's Mayor drop good info.
June 18-27 at DRM.
If you pack like you pack for TTR you'll be fine. As above, Stacia turns the themes into 50/50 lingerie nights, with the lingerie themed off of...
It gets pretty pricey though, when compared to an all-inclusive. Glad to find out that the Bare pool is back to tops off. We'd heard they'd...
That was a great article.... wonderful marketing op, too!
Some trips the ratio goes down, usually when there's a young crowd. Not as many boobs out with the 20-somethings. Some trips, you won't be able to...
Our update concerning our experience returning from DRM this past Friday, March 5... Our DRM reservation was from Feb. 24 through Mar. 5, paid...
I totally agree with the post immediately above. Just keep on keepin' on...
Why in the world would they let Saby go? That makes no sense to me... she's one of their most upbeat, most efficient servers around the pool...
Since you can pretty much be "drinking" the entire time while on Isla Mujeres... you won't need to have the mask on, much, except for the ferry...
I laughed at the descriptive, "Crazy Joe," I have to admit... ...but is "Crazy" accurate, is it what you really want to use? I mean, we get...
As @Restling said, I like the sound of that... but My! How cynical! Expecting the people of good ol' Mexico to do such a thing.... for shame......
And Paul...Nathaniel Hawthorne? Really? Who woulda thunk it, that a rocket scientist and physicist has read the classics.
Only issue is we're flying Southwest so "nobody knows" a seat number, LOL! Well, I guess after the flight you would, so when do you have to hnd...
Stacia & I caught The VID (Kevin Hart reference) in the week before the week before Thanksgiving (double "before" intentional). It held me down...
Huh. Now I am glad that we're going in February, for certain. Government-sponsored location... sounds like a cell. I wonder how that'd go over...