Great Glam for club wear dresses
We have almost the exact same dates (June 27 - July 4). See you there!
If you click the "Community" link at the top of the page and select "Pictures & Albums" from the dropdown, you'll be able to find some albums of...
Hedo 2 and Couples Negril in Jamaica get my vote, as well as the Majestic Elegance in Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. You can pay for VIP...
Nope, never been to TTR. We've been to Hedo twice though so have an idea of what to expect. How about you guys?
We have similar dates and are also from the St. Louis area! Excited to meet some fellow Missourians.
American Airlines tried to change our flights all around so we arrived in Cancun later but left earlier. The travel dates didn't change, but I...
Late June can't get here fast enough, that's for sure! We'll keep an eye out for you at the sexy pool. Oh and we just made a private album w/...
We actually have a Twister mat and an enormous bottle of baby oil. Played naked Twister on the beach at Hedo and had designated "oil application...
Would also be interested in a cruise on June 29th or 30th, especially if there won't be one in very early July.
Same! My husband is very tall and skinny so it should be easy to spot us at the sexy pool! What are your dates?
Thanks for the add! We're so excited for the trip. I've been shopping for a ton of naughty(ish) swimsuits.
June 27th to July 4th here. Hopefully we'll see you around the Sexy Pool! edit 4/21 - just now realized I put in my dates wrong here, oops!...
Hi everyone, I've been lurking at this awesome forum for a couple months. I've picked up a ton of info from threads and trip reports, but still...
First timers, June 27th - July 4th!