Book your trip!!!
Krystal has 2 towers. The old tower is shit while the new tower is decent, especially the krystal club level rooms.
No, some events won't even be announced till a couple weeks before. It's hard to predict what's the best nightclub of each night. After 6 trips,...
I stayed there 2 years ago without getting AI
Omni is a great hotel. Though then turn all all inclusive last year so it got a lot more expensive and you can't bring guests in easily anymore....
You can get a day pass to go into Oasis, don't think it works for Grand. You don't need to go into either to party on the beach though. That's free.
SoundBar is a decent venue and usually have good music. The crowd is soso, too many creepy guys. You can get in Fridays for free with password...
Krystal has security but nowhere as strict as Oasis. If you walk in like you belong, chances are, you wouldn't get checked. YMMV.
Going big is going to Cancun Friday to Friday then Miami Friday to Monday, then going back to Miami the next Friday to Monday. :)
BYOB. There are bars at Oasis beach too.
Why would reducing demand (limiting customer base) drive up price?
Don't think anyone on the forum works for Oasis. Probably easier to call the hotel and find out directly from the source.
3/8-15, staying at Casamagna Marriott Cancun Resort.
at least 1x per day
Basically anything that moves
What about hiding it from april->dec and only open it during high season?
This forum is pretty seasonal. Things will pick up in January I'm sure.
I'm closer to your height than hers.
Depending on what you think is important. It definitely has the most number of spring breakers. Best day party hands down because student city...