Well it’s a grand old team to play for it’s a grand old team to support and if ya know ya history its enough to make ur heart go ooooooooooooooo...
imagine theres no heaven its easy if you try no hell below us above us only sky imagine all the people living for today oooooaaaaaaahhhhh.
take the time to make some sense of what you want to say cast ur words away upon awaste.
scouse house oasis
for every lady on this site could you be the most beautiful girl in the world......its plain to see your the reason why god made a...
LOVE THAT SONG YYM In the town that i was born lived a man that sailed the seas and he told us of his life in the land of submarines, we all...
i hurt myself today to see if i still feel i focus on the pain the only thing that real the needle tears a hole that unfamiliar sting try to kill...
cold and frosty morning theres not alot to say bout the things caught in my mind, and as the day is dawning my plane flew away with all the things...
you've got to roll with it you gotta take your time you gotta say what u say don't let any fucker get in your way cause its time for me to...
i don't know what it is that makes me feel alive i don't how to wake the things that sleep inside, i only want to see the light that shines behind...
i know a girl called alcer shes in to abby celcer stiffs a glue on a supersonic train she makes me laugh i got her autograph she done it with the...
feeling supersonic give me gin and tonic you can have it all but how much do you want it you make me laugh give me ur autogragh ill ride with you...
Little Curly Alan Ball. R.I.P
without a doubt u need to download oasis - supersonic oasis - morning glory (just for the start of the song)
from cancun it was amazing the clubs the beaches where class i can't believe how open they are about drugs as well.
DConCT its amazing in there isn't it i love the revolving dance floor i didn't like the buff men dancing on the bar though.
Sounds good I hate that Steve O you should have just chinned him you would have been my hero then!! 1 night out of 7 isn’t bad for being sick my...
Am sorry to hear about that mate am glad you had a good time in Cancun.
and ill be on the plane going to the Cana. in the words of Churchill ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo yes
which is the saddest film? i will have to go with Green Mile its very touching and upsetting but so is iam sam.