we have known each other 10 months (i know its not long) but we are very similar in personality so if we are not together when the holiday comes...
She’s 22 will be 23 by the time we go over she is one of them girls who’s playing a bit hard to get but has let her guard down by saying “I should...
exactly we where together for 3 months early last year then finished then since the turn of the year we have been back together, but i said if we...
I said to my girlfriend of 2 months (as a joke) when we go to cancun ill ask you to marry me on the plane so we get free Champaign and drinks she...
Help needed again about women i have been with my girlfriend for about 3 months and when iam with her i know she really likes me but when we are...
av got the love ones sorted just need a few funny one now really!!
please michael am struggling here for any sort of good ones
violets are blue anyone got any good poems cause mine are poooooh?
I hope he hasn't OD if he has he is a very selfish man! R.I.P
belter song i love my g/friend so much but she really can't sing. haha
thats a bit harsh and am sure its a girl.
Was speaking with my g/friend th other day having a bit of banter with her and she was going on about how much of a good singer she is (she...
I feel really sorry for her to be honest shes defo let the fame go to her head though shes needs her mum to sort her out just get her to move in...
haven't heard from my ex in a few months got a txt last friday night (1 am)saying "U out" i was but i ignored the txt the next morning i wake up...
Hatton was made for mayweather u need a good defence to stand any chance of beating maywheather and ricky didn’t have that the better fighter wi...
nearly got caught she hasn't got a clue as far as am concerned and thanks for your advice ian :D
thanks for the advice i will just ignore the txt cheers
My x girlfriend of 6 months ago has just sent me a txt saying “wats appening how are u? u out this weekend? Whats nickys new number?” (the txt...
Everton everton everton everton everton everton Everton everton everton everton everton everton Everton everton everton everton everton everton...
R.I.P thoughs are with all your family at this sad time. Antony, Aimee and Alivia.