Looks like Sir Paul who may i add is an evertonian.
nice one for that mate ill let u know if i get the job. thanks again
Alright iam applying for a job but i need to send them a C.V which i haven't got i need to make one any ideas what iam ment to put on it? and do i...
Went out last night with my x for the first time in ages (she’s meeting someone else at the minute) she was a bit upset about not getting over her...
you are gorgeous
when your drunk are you more honest?
Thanks for the advice i thinks shes jealous as well as hating me she needs to grow up your right shes 23, i did txt her the other day saying "wer...
i have been seeing this new girl for about 2 months my x who i was with for a long time and we have a child together, has been telling people that...
Supersonic – oasis Iam feeling supersonic give me gin and tonic you can have it all, but how much do you want it you make me laugh Give me...
:-o :-o
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thanks ian
I have been with my g/friend for 10 years (we wer split for about 18 months we have a child together) anyway during our 18 month break I was with...
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: superb
I didn't really like my x girlfriend until she got with a new b/friend now i think i really like her!!! is this just my ego or not?
a bit rude but still funny A Dwarf with a lisp goes to buy a horse. What kind do you want asked the owner. A Female horth said the dwarf. The...
i love the american owners of the shite they are dragging them down, simple thing is liverpool fans think they have a divine right to win...
Was having a discussion with my mates last night and we spoke about sex how important is it in a relationship? I personally think its very...
been done in this e-mail tinder so booooooo!!! how do cows cut the grass? With a lawn moooooooooooooooer!
was a sleep woke up and my bed was shaking i thought my mate and his bird where making love shall we say only lasted about 2 minutes though i think.
Iam naïve haha, she isn’t joking around she is a bit crazy because she is playing all her games as in ignores some of my calls and doesn’t always...