Maybe I'll extend it while I'm there! Let's see what happens, bro! BOOOOoo-YAHHHH!!!!
Booking my trip wasn't the problem. I usually attend in May but, I'm raising my son now & can't go until school is out. He's with his mom & I'd be...
S'up, People!!! 'Cube said you guys really HAD ALOT OF FUN! REALLY WISH i COULD'VE GONE WITH YOU!!! :(
Had to move my dates up 1 day early so, it'll be the 25th-29th. My travel agent got me a better deal. (Good looking out, Patrisha!!) It's still...
Alright, Hammer! It's great to know I'll have someone to hang out with! Be ready to party! & Hammer, Don't hurt 'em!! BOOO-YAHHH!
Thanks 'Cube! Really wish I was with you guys! Oh well! God willing, there's always next year!
It's mostly a place that couples attend. But go there with an open mind & just have a good time. There should be a hand full of single ladies...
Will be there 6/26-6/30. I'm traveling DoLo (alone) but, I know I'll meet some GREAT People there as I always have! Looking forward to seeing...
They're ok. They e-mailed me not too long ago. BOOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
No homo! He was referring to me. That's my bro & we love each other dearly. Not queerly.
Yea! I heard about it, earlier this morning, on The Opie & Anthony Show. Linger-Longer!!!
Two Words..... BOOZE CRUISE!!!!!!!!! BOOOOO-YAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I got ya, bro!!!
I hear you. Ok!
I'm going in June but, don't be surprised if you still see me there in May!!! BBOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
Awesome pic, Bro!!! Is That Jamie, sitting in the chair behind Chinos?
I'm SOOO upset I'm not gonna be with you guys this May. I know it's gonna be a blast!!! I'm even considering going down for about two days, just...
Sassy, you haven't seen anything yet!!!! BOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
I sure did start something here!!!! That's what i get for being bored at work!!! Idle minded me!!! :pc: Oh, but I'm still in!!!!!!...