Yeah, I remember that! LOL!!! :lol: That was a good one!
I'm SOOOO happy you're doing better! Keep up the good work, send Chris my reguards & looking forward to next year! Here's a GREAT BIG...
I totally agree! I met many nice individuals there! Everyone I have suggested the resort to. When they return home, that's one of the first things...
It sure was a great time!!! Not too crowded, but not empty!!
Thanks Ter! I will always treasure our friendship! Give Hugh my reguards!
Hey Temptationers! Thought this might be a fun topic! Let's see what responses we get! Name your most interesting &/or memorable moment (or...
Now I can finally get some rest! BOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHH BABY!!!!!!!!!
I'm not suprised! I knew he'd pull trough with no problem! !! :wink: BOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHHHH,SONNNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!
I have Direct TV so, I don't have channel 12. It goes from 11-13. But I do have many DVD's so I can play channel 12! :D
Just getting my balance back but, wish I was back there already! BOOOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Terry & Hugh.... My tongue is STILL burning! LOL :lol: :lol: :lol:
You got me on that! I'm trying to figure out what the HELL is "cornhole"!...... Actually, NO I DON'T!!!...
I know. It was alot going on. Next year we will talk while we party!
I just got home! Already miss everyone! Can't wait to next year! BOOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
On my way out the door! I'll be there in a few hrs! SEEEEE YAAAAAAA BOOOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D :D
By this time tomorrow, I'll be at the airport, getting ready to board! It sounds like it won't be too packed or too empty! It's gonna be just...
That sounds great! At least we'll get to hang out on my last day there! BOOOOOO-YAHHHHHHHHH, BABYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Never that, My Bro! I'm all packed & ready to go! I pray you & Chris have a safe journy. Can't wait to see you & everyone else again! Sorry I'm...
Had to change my dates again. Travel agent gave me a better deal so, I'm going on my origonal dates, which is the 13-17th. I'll see everyone in 4...
Your welfare is what's important! I really hope to see you two there but, I'd rather you get well than take the risk! (FYI.... Get well, bro!!!!!)