Ugh talk about exhausting... We left Our hotel in Vegas around 6 am yesterday morning. Arrived in Atlanta at 3pm. And with the stupid traffic it...
You'll have a great trip! Just have fun and relax and drink ALOT! ;)
Great report "brother" ;)
Finally got back to my trip report. Sorry for taking a couple of days off. It's been a crazy week. I'm currently sitting in my hotel in Vegas...
Tuesday, October 6th Our last full day at TTR... We slept in this day because we were exhausted from the Boobs Cruise the day before. So we...
Well I'm fixin to board another plane this time it's to Vegas. Not nearly as fun as Cancun :(
We loved meeting you two!!! Hugs and kisses :) let's all get up soon!
I was busy... :icon_surprised:
Desire has a playroom ;) will that work as a "lounge" no pole but a sex swing lol
What he said ^^^ LT
I wouldn't be holding my breath for an October TTR trip next year. Everything we heard between staff at TTR and staff at Desire is saying that...
I know my "disgusting" comment probably made you a little nervous. I should have rephrased it a little. I guess I was just a little upset this...
Awe I'm sad because I know the trip report is almost over :( I couldn't write mine tonight. LT and I have our nieces for the night and were worn...
Congrats again!! You both looked great :) so exciting!
So jealous! Wish I was still there :cry:
Awe :) I love our group!
Monday, October 5th BOOBS CRUISE DAY!!!!! This is always my favorite day of our vacation. I woke up so excited and ready to go... LT on the...
Tell me about it man. I feel like I've done nothing but put out fires all week. Oh well, just means we have to go back sooner! LT
There's a quiet pool??
Wow so that's what they were doing above our room! Maybe that's why our bathroom flooded