Ok let's change the subject lol! Sorry :( I kinda feel like it's my fault that we drifted away from all the "fun" discussions. On a more positive...
I completely agree with ya ;) I just can't wait to be in our favorite place with our favorite people starting next week. I just love all of...
I'm sure everyone already knows this but LT and I are Christians. We do live in a very southern baptist community where it's very hard to live an...
How about translating that in English for me lol
Haha!! Love that picture of all of us in the fun hole :) brings back fond memories!
I know right??
Keep the Fireball away from me... :aetsch022: I'm gonna be sure to bring my Tarheel shirt just for y'all ;)
"Drunk on a plane" came on the radio at work today and I couldn't help but smile know that its gonna be my theme song in about a week 1/2 ;)
Ohhh ok yeah Robbinsville is VERY close to us! I hope you didn't get hurt too bad :(
If it rains were gonna have a jacuzzi room!! Love room parties! We've also had a HUGE game of cards against humanity going in the sports bar before.
Is home here in franklin? I know you mentioned that yall had a cabin near here