Check the theme nights for the time you are going , and upgrading is sometimes available based on availability, ussually not...
carry on ? it should fit in your back pocket .
I love having supper with Jess and Ben and speaking French,, lol ,, we get the last laugh , and the first and the second...
Welcome to the group .
Eye do mine 2 , squeeze em in zipper box, getting very full, cant weight not for sezxy fun at da pole , need sun lotion , no want burn la peu ....
I,m a Tequila , guy , but I do know a Fireball guy ;)
You can just leave it with the bartender , and he will pour it for you . Or use a water bottle,, not as cool , but works
They should have added another floor for Condo,s ,, you could just live there
Shy and Tequila don't mix ,lol
When they ran out of my favorite drink , a special Lady went across the street and got me a bottle . It,s nice when they...
You can also fill water bottles ,, done that for the cruise , we bring Tequila for shots
never had a problem getting full glasses of tequila and a bunch of sliced limes /lemons
They exray all your bags before you leave ,, if you have metal mugs ( yete) make sure they are on top , they will check em
Things that go bump on Friday
Canadian version , keeps us from freezing .
link deleted
:confused::confused::confused::eek::eek::eek: yep:):mad:;):(:p:rolleyes::oops::eek::D:marshe:
People are always looking for people to share , post your dates you want
I have met so many great people there ,, really sucks ,, was a god place to wait for reservations and chit chat , was a...
Maybe set up some massage tables around the hot tub people can use ........