On FB some of the Neg posts go south really fast , ,so they get deleted
I had the Jacuzzi room right outside where the kids stand in line . Funny how quick they get shuffled away when you start...
Small baby powder ,, sometimes everything is too hot and clammy
14 days , till Tequila shots ScreenHunter 1158 May. 29 09.40 by Donald posted Mar 22, 2016 at 8:43 PM
TRY and get the suits with the built in pouch , they are a lot more comfortable and help keep things from falling out,
Congrats,,, such a great cause . LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU GUYS IN A FEW DAYS .
I wish they would play more Latino stuff ,, just noticed the Artist,s name,, its my birth name never seen it
Post # 10,000 Made a few friends :) Lost a few :( But made a lot more, a lot I will never forget ♥ Informed a few I've been...
Damm,, and I had a good one lined up ,,lol ,
Don't forget your passport , and Visa thing Instituto Nacional de Migración - Forma Migratoria Múltiple
haven't been on the ttr one there for a while
What time you land ??
Me looking like a Clown ,lol IMG_4306 by Donald posted Mar 8, 2018 at 6:33 AM
I felt bad at 10 ,,lol,,,, no board shorts packed this time
It is more uncomfortable to be topples then have a top ,, but you can do what you want
Karen sat in the Ice Dispensary if I recall ,,lol
Seems to be less Drama on CC then FB .
Better to join the fun
you can can start a private conversation , and add people to the chat up to extra 5 ,, makes it a small group Click on any...
This exists in chat, but is limited to 5