11 years Thanks, RG
Really 3 years to get together all the required documents and then 8 years to prove them and have him complete his social sevice. Then the Mexican...
Swine Flu Tamiflu...it's a strong antibiotic that supposedly does the trick...although it's not so easy to find here....
Cinco de Mayo Alot of american tourists will be getting together from the Trip Advisor forum at the Hard Rock Cafe...bring a toy for the kids of...
Friends of mine are coming to Cancun next month and the husband and kids want to go on a fishing trip. Does anyone have any idea about this? The...
Furniture... I've had the dining room set for 1 year and the husband for 35.....I'll keep the husband!
I bought this beautiful dining room set for 6 and china cabinet less than a year ago from a little ol' lady that bought it 10 months before in...
We just got back from Meson de Vecindario where Adaggio was playing. They are a choral group of between 3 and 6 people and they are absolutely...
Gran Puerto We just came from the Gran Puerto. We paid 18 pesos for 2 hours and 41 minutes.
Grill 14 You're right Tom, it wasn't good at all. Everyone at my table was complaining.We had a little more luck than you did...when someone...
Candle supplies That place moved. Take Kabah....pass Lopez Portillo and make your first left turn (I believe it's Ruta 4). Immediately on the...
Hard Rock is the Drop Off site for Give A Toy Get A Smile :D . Maybe you can pack a toy or to for the poor or sick children down here in Cancun....
For the Future...Excellent Trauma and Sports Doctor There is an EXCELLENT Trauma Doctor in Cancun. Dr. Jose Marroquin has been in Cancun for the...
Jason Great news! Keep up the good work and continue to feel better! :D
Thanks! Greatly appreciated! Lots of smiles coming your way!
Walmart is about 6 minutes by bus from Temptations. We can always use school supplies or toys for Christmas. Thanks so much for thinking of the kids!
Toys Please see our website www.giveatoygetasmile.org and you can find alot of suggestions of what kind of toys the kids like. Again, thanks...
Toys That's very nice of you! Thanks for thinking of my kids. Big smiles ATTCHA! Have a great time in Cancun!
ABSOLUTELY! Angibaby...we have been collecting toys for almost 2 years now and we have given out so many things and received so many smiles. :D...
The Temptations Resort has joined Give A Toy Get A Smile :D in collecting toys and numerous articles for the poor and sick children in Cancun and...