Dangerous Intersections Be careful at Yaxchilan and Labna...what my husband famously refers to as "Kamikaze Korner"...!
Moving to Cancun We thought about that too but after figuring out the finanaces of paying over $1000usd/month for a nice, comfortable house in a...
Niños Hi TJ...I'll be heading over to La Casita and the Hogar del Esperanza on Saturday morning. I have a bunch of school supplies for the kids....
Dentist Thank you for that explanation Life. No TJ we aren't registered to accept this card. FYI, our prices are local prices and very...
Dentist Hi TJ...I am not familiar with the Inapam card. Can you tell me what it is? Yes we do take dollars. We exchange at 12 right now. Dr....
Congratulations Congratulations on the birth of your son...! ENJOY every moment They grow really fast!
Hi TJ...I have been donating toys, clothing, school supplies, shoes, etc., etc., etc., through Give A Toy Get A Smile for the last 5 years...we...
Welcome to Cancun! Welcome to Cancun and the best of luck to you...you've chosen a GR-8 place to live!!
Boxes Check out Costco in the mornings. They finish loading their merchandise on the shelves and then leave the empty boxes in the front of the...
Dentist For some reason, I am having difficulty sending private messages. If you have any questions please do not hesitate to e-mail me at...
Dentist Hi. The American Smile Consultorio in SM 25 across from Market 28 is another option. We are American owned and operated and my husband,...
We are now done with Children's Day and look forward to giving out school supplis in August Backpacks are always requested as they are VERY...
Banks won't exchange American currency? So what do you do if you don't have a dollar account here and you don'r use an ATM? I'm probably one of...
Salon Try Jadelle's on Av. Bonampak. They provide all beauty services.
Falafel Place There is a new Falafel place on Uxmal across from the Bus Station. I do believe it is owned by a young Israeli man. He professes to...
Yoel Sharabi, a native Israeli, has captivated his audiences with his wide repetoire and his dynamic style. He is a master of Modern Israeli,...
TJ Good luck to you TJ. I just finished radiation myself...Stage 1 Breast Cancer..... It´s great to be back home and I am sure you will do...
Hair dresser You can call Jadelle Salons. SPeak to Jacques, the owner and he can make arrangements to come to your hotel if ou have a few girls...
Give A Toy No I'm pretty sure that Temptations does not have a drop off box and I have been out of Cancun since July, so I haven't had a chance...
11 years Thank you, thank you! We're one happy couple! Teresa is one heck of a lawyer! I could KISS her!