hey ..hope the trip home was un-eventfull ...and that left testicle is recovering! (Sam and Heather)..enjoyed the time together!!
great idea on the thong...could go with the Adam and Eve look...have to work on that a bit...could be something in there for lingerie night!
Jessie... ... I have just located the perfect Canadian male "uniform" for uniform/fetish night! ... I will leave you wondering what that might...
Sue .... ummm ... the batteries?
Now for the whiskey/spirits enthusiasts .... just pack your normal thermal insulated coffee mug .... and ask your friendly bartender for ICE....
Looking forward to it! Strangely...last time we were spuds and hardly moved from our beach chairs ...totally not us at all (I think we needed a...
ok... So every year I book this trip as late as I can ...so I don't think about it until it's time ...the anticipation drives me crazy...don't...
um...can we compromise and perhaps a white dress shirt for both the ladies and men that night (not really white nite, not fetish, not school girl...
totally looking forward to connnecting! enjoy the flight the cold beer is waiting ...do you enjoy a little Canadian rye perhaps?
Deposit paid :) :)
FINALLY ... confirmed friday the 23 to sunday the 2nd first time doing 10 days ...so looking forward to it!
Hi Sue! Just confirming travel arrangements... probably down Friday the 23...leave Dec 2nd Already emailed Steve and got penciled in to the Boobs...
Hey folks this will be our third trip down to TT ...BUT for the fist time ever we will be there where this a confirmed BOOBS cruise!! ....ah...
ummm... I buy a bottle of what I want to drink at the duty free and have the guys stock it on the bar all week ... then I tip them to serve it to...
One thing not covered is the general view on coverups at lunch. My finding is that you will see everything from bikini tops to shear cover-up...
We were in the same boat as you when we first went. What my wife took a few days to realize was that there was no pressure to wear a top, or...
A great idea! We just drove from Edmonton to Calgary during this period and missed the posting! ...would have been fun to connect outside of...
Stacia and John ... thanks for the input ...wish we could get 2 weeks away! we missed being able to go out on a BC by 1 day both trips so far...
Hey all... we will be making out third visit this Nov...still kicking around dates ...basically trying to figure out when he boobs cruises are (we...
Hey all ... we will be going ...just have to sort out dates with my boss (Heather). I wonder if I should wait to see when the boobs cruises are...