November 13 to 23 ...sorry we miss so many of the Chaos Crew! ...we will just have to pass along an empty bar
hi Always great to have first timers! read a few threads on here you have done show up at the sexy pool and start looking around for any...
Hey DNA .... great list of theme's ...can you clarify "Dress to Impress (live your sexual fantasies)" should this perhaps be "undress to impress -...
Jess and Paul are the couple who coined the term 'sexy sinaholics".... so anyone who cares to get along with Jess learns the following .... She...
well... she can start with all the ones the resort suggests ... plus there's always room for naughty school girl and fetish...they just seem to...
Hi guys actually I picked the start date for exactly that reason warm up event and hopefully two strikes at good weather! Looking forward...
I see you are already friends with Randy and Wanda... and Penny and John ... you will have a lot of fun... we are a mixed bag of nuts that laugh a...
ok ... Jess is nutty...Paul is normal (ask us anything if you have questions of any kind... that is why I changed our handle to our actual...
hey! happy to buy you both a drink beer! (actually I normally bring some good Canadian Rye and share that around!)
jump over to a few of the various regular groups and cruise their discussion threads for example... SexySinaholics ... we toss our ideas for...
confirmed Nov 13 to 23 ... sigh...this is getting addictive how do we speed up the calendar already
A few more ideas to consider: elect a panel of judges... before you get down there...create a tentative list of items in different categories...
note that it does not include airfare ...but a quick way to check on prices! thanks Steve!
if you want a true deep tissue massage one at the TTR spa...they do offer it.
so Jess..we know that your naughty school girl outfit seems to lose it's what should we expect on the 19th... fetish,animal or...
Imagine a pool with a MIXED bag of adults around it (All shapes and sizes...with the average being early middle aged) Ladies ...imagine taking...
Jess...we plan on to the west Tuesday...then will finalize dates Don't worry, you will get to do stupid shit with Heather this...
Mel... you need to get away from the stress of renovating!
Jess will sort this out next week! Buy yourself the new Boob Cruise Thong too! Will n Ross ...why miss us... dates don't work? Sam
Umm Steve... is there something for the guys ?... wearing those bottoms could get really ugly LMFAO