umm... just got back last night from 10 days ---tub open to all and was occupied most of the time ....folks we were with watched...
sun sun sun sun.... oops ... sin sin sin sin 2 days till liftoff I seriously need some actually see the sun again...and to enjoy a...
To me the other issue is the lack of variety in the music... or any way to actually get requests played...and heaven knows how hard is a...
Sorry we won't connect this fall! but hey...the beauty of TTR folk is that we just plan for the next time! While you are mourning your loss.......
New month.... Called TTR on my friggen calendar Let the real countdown begin!!!! 12 days ... And it rained, sleeted and snowed last night...
hi!... we will only see you on the 22 and 23...but look forward to it! sam and heather
Shot..... Yes! Bar tequila......NO we care at whatever time we get handed one
All I need to do is put away my morality and discretion and grab my advil and Visa card to buy a bottle at duty free...and haul my wifes suitcase...
Who is interested in the Boobs Cruise on the 18th? I know Jess and waves don't always get along...but if its sunny and the seas are calm...?...
I figure I need a few extra days to "condition" my liver to keep pace with the real party hounds that are coming in right after us! (lol) This...
24 days ... sorry just had to chime in! ...and we land on a Thursday ... lingerie night ! ... wonder who booked this year?! It will be nice to...
Jess .... you need to find Sexy Sinaholic ...stick on nipple jewelry for the whole group like you wear (and Paul tested on fetish night... lmfao)
alive and kicking ... trying not to think about vacation... sigh
Also... Ladies...we need some more specific ideas for the men... our options are limited so specific ideas to support the theme wear would be...
It's getting closer! Everyone... stick you hand up if you are planning on trying to participate in most of the themes? (ie packing for it and if...
Pretty much every mom and dad in the place is exactly like you...and normally 75% of the place is over 30. Picture walking in to a three star... last time we were there... I was talking to an older gentleman named Roland who was in his 80's... had a walker, had buried three wives,...
13 to 23 ... won't get to see Willy and roz
hi guys! November 13 to 23!
I am a Canadian Whisky lover ...Always grab a bottle in the duty free on the way down. Never had any problems. The whisky they offer is...