Great report now you may understand why we've been, we think 13 or 14 times, welcome to the addiction... LOL It's a hard road in between trips.....
Good post... Sun, alcohol and we're happy go lucky... We give everyone the benefit of the doubt at TTR. Someone maybe acting inappropriate to...
I'm going to comment... but don't know if I should.. for me I think it's about the mood I'm in.. a friend of ours.. and she will always be our...
Ahh you know it girl... work done... nails and toes looking to finally meeting you...I think last year you flaked out on us and went...
Or just be sure to use sunscreen..
I don't know alot about the spray on tan.. but from what I saw I wouldn't recommend it..Jeff said she looked streaky also.. not that I paid that...
hmm yes but I'm not going to wait for curt's shower... LOL
Well that really depends on who's there...LOL I'm pretty sure you and I will be there the same time... we will see who is doing the sitting... LOL...
Why that doesn't surprise me at all !!! marshe LOL jeff said he was peeing on your leg when we were talking in the sexy pool... an still laughs...
Hey I applaud also...but next time you at the gym having a shower what will you be thinking about the person next to you... and before you say...
Lol and you felt like you had to tell us that.... why LOL
I seen a women in jan with spray tan and she looked orange.. not that I know anything about them after I seen that I wouldn't do it.
I'm with you on that malnadi I don't go commando either... I could give my reasons but even thinking about it ewww... not for this gal
Why do we need to label anyone... We're going to TTR Sunday !!! It will be great to see everyone getting their slut on... Cheers
I'm definitely not feeling my best... I'm looking forward to drinking like a fish with you... And congrats with the Smoking.. one day I hope I...
Yup both of those are beyond my limits also.. ewww
What a shame... I think you and your outfit are really cute...I sometime wonder if the looks we get we take the wrong way. There is a women...
Would it have made a difference if the (older women) had been a younger women? I guess all I can say is if you don't like what you see don't...
Just my 2Cents, this wouldn't of bothered me at all.. I would of laughed at the fun my husband was having.. and not for one minute be upset or...