Just booked the sale today and saved $900 for 9 nights, when converted to Canadian. It beats the $600 credit promo. I rather spend less now then...
Never went in February, but it has alot of snowbirds there. I personally like April and May, weather is the best, not super hot like summer months...
Our room is the plush Jacuzzi in front of the quiet pool. Good room just have to eat on the porch for room service. Its close to everything as well
Its 30% off all room types, whatever is in your contract take 30% off
I just booked today. Saved $900 bucks when converted to Canadian. Almost like pre reno prices
Jamie we are adding 2 nights to our trip. We are now booking May 2nd to May 11th. Can't wait
Yes dress up, have a nap beforehand if needed. Or just keep drinking. Dont miss out the afterparty in the sexy pool and hottub after the cruise...
Cant wait to see you again. We will be there May 2nd to the 11th
That must have been a big shocker to that wife catching her husband with another guy. Guess I see divorce in the future
No one will complain if they fall off. Lol
Booking May 2nd to the 9th, 2020
We will be booking May 2nd to May 9th. Our 6th trip, 2nd post Reno. Cant wait to party with old and new friends
You would need to contact Mario and inquire. They may offer you a deal. Try contacting him through his own site.
Sign up here for the November roll call. Also book a boobs cruise it is not to be missed. Temptation Roll Call November 2019
Vaping is allowed in all open areas, Mexico does not have a smoking policy that I know of. I would not smoke in the restaurants though, out of...
No one mentioned bringing sex toys or props, you will be the big hit of the party. Lol
Great report, you should try April and May Groups, they are huge and it's one huge party, resort gets sold out. Pool and weather temperatures are...
They are more stricter about driving the golf carts while drinking open bottles of beer
Down or upgrade your room for this trip to fit 3 people
Interjet airlines was the best for flights. Direct flight, extra leg room, free snacks and awesome sandwiches, and the best thing free liquor and...