arww damn will miss that goat
or all three!!
Hope they still got the goat for the virgin initiations!!!!!!:sofa:
Sorry what was you asking again I read to the part about pasties and me mind started to wander and I .........................:popcorn:
Don't worry my mind is always there lol
Arwww soon be here hun xx
todays its a mix by an amazing pair Souldynamic enjoy [ame="[media]"][media]
Lol I think he said Kane our best striker lol not came I think that's just where your mind is lol Tell him they can have Ade instead!! :uk1:
the whole month has the best people anytime is good :)
hey guys WE arrive on the 4th may looking forward to meeting you guys at the bar lol
so glad there so many Brits when we there. Hope you all like my music when I get to play at the poolside. Sharing a tune daily on here on the...
[ame="[media]"][media] Oh my people just love this tune just wish I had half the voice of Josh Milan
Sounds like the party will be where you guys are .... We will bring the music and lots of fun too!!! :england:
Oh well shame you cant see a decent team for your first match lol
Yeah north London born and bred so I am Tottenham Hotspur fan been one all my life and a season ticket holder
Yeah is fun seems like all like my London accent when they can understand it lol I talk very fast and get a lot of strange "I haven't a clue what...
Haunting gorgeous on this sunshine track so in love with this music [ame="[media]"][media]
Hey guys see you there we there 4th to the 18th you have picked the best time to come !! :)
Hey hun you know you can do it to me anytime don't you dare go all sensible on me Polly we want the crazy one !!xxx
so for Valentines day will be putting a few tunes about Love on here and dedicate them to my gorgeous wife Lynette xx [ame="[media]"][media]