I react terribly to mosquito bites, pretty much all insect bites. Even with DEET spray, I got bit up pretty bad every single TTR trip, coming home...
Exactly. I'd firmly suggest against surprising a partner with a trip to TTR, it can spell disaster for some couples. Even if you know they'll...
Yeah probiotics is definitely a good idea, although depending how much you drink it'll be wiped out after a few days! The green juice is amazing....
Was advised before first trip to get vaccines for Hep A and dengue. Got the shots, but honestly I think this is advice in general for travelling...
Ah the old music debate. I do 14 days at TTR every trip, so same music night after night can get tiresome. The problem is the turnover of guests....
I think the late November / early December crowd has a higher % of singles than other times of year, and honestly, it wouldn't be the same without...
Personally, there's still way more positives than negatives for me: Party from 11am through to 4am the next day? Nobody cares The rooms...
I love the Sky Bar. Only visited twice last time we were at TTR when it had just opened (once for an afternoon, second time to grab lunch before...
If I remember correctly, some of our American friends tried this a few years back but the transaction gets rejected by Alpharooms if you're trying...
I was 29 my first trip and my husband was 32. I'm now 35 and we still go back at least once a year. This is exactly the right resort to 'add some...
Fingers crossed I'll be back in November. Miss TTR so much! Date I believe will be 18th until 2nd December.
Can't beat Chaos Crew around Thanksgiving (late November/early December). Great group of people I've come to love. Weather can get cold though....
At far end of the pool during the foam party, my partner attempted to take a picture of one of our friends, nobody else in the shot, no boobs on...
Lol I had to forcefully convince a couple next to me that it was absolutely fine for them to put the umbrella down because it would not affect me,...
I don't have a problem with 'borrowing' seats if it just has a neatly folded towel on it, particularly if it's got to afternoon time. If people's...
My advice for any guys, girls or couples who visit TTR with the sole intention of hooking up with hot people....TTR isn't a nightclub nor a...
14 days, neither do I! I made it to end of Night 13 before I was very much done! Day 14 and morning of 15 (travel day) were very low key for me. I...
Yes I forgot to mention our butler experience. We had Daniella. She greeted us at the end of our Premier upgrade/talk which took 3.5 hours....
Thanks Steve! Was good to catch up with you again. Glad you agree. Excellent news if new furniture is on the way. It seems the resort does listen...
I know some people had issue with the loudness at the pool. I felt that by our 2nd week someone must've complained enough as the music was...