My upcoming trip is the first in 10 trips I've had to check in a 3rd case, and it's mostly Burning Land theme's fault!
Before the renovation, the small 'sports pool' that was between the seafood restaurant and the Mexican restaurant was open 24/7. It was a game...
I can't party as hard as I used to. Trips many years ago, I could be starting with shots at 11am and go all the way through to 4am. I've done...
I'm nearly 10 trips in, so well over 100 days at TTR so far. Very rarely seen someone judged for this kind of thing, but you will stand out (in a...
I always wondered, with the foam party, is that a super annoying clean-up the next day for the pool guy? The filtration system must take a big hit...
But broadcast to the world on their website was a bit much, even if it is blurry. You would be able to tell for certain if someone was 'putting on...
The camera went down this morning for a bit. Not a technical fault, someone unscrewed and removed it (you could see it broadcasting the removal...
You know one thing I've noticed with the camera? How damn hard the staff actually work. There's staff working pretty much 24/7. I've never really...
Heads up for anyone with plans to travel soon. Even though Mexico is coming off red list 11 October, Foreign Office advice remains unchanged -...
Yeah I noticed that too. It's very empty, even for a weekday, from how I remember it. Still COVID recovering I guess. Only been during 1...
The only bad news is the FCDO (another useless bureaucratic office) hasn't changed status yet, they still advise against 'anything but essential...
From Mexico Will move off the red list at 4am Monday 11 October. If you arrive in England before then, you need to follow the red...
I did notice the camera policy note on the website a while back, it has changed from a few years ago. A few years ago it was 'no photos', now it...
Vaguely positive we might have good news by end of the week. What worries me still, there's some hinting that it won't strictly be an 'off the red...
That's a shame. I couldn't sleep on Wednesday and watched the lingerie show. Guys dancing around a stage for about 40 minutes. Also noted there's...
If we have to cancel Halloween, I'm thinking April or May next year. I've never been in May! I visited in April many years ago, it was fine, but...
It's the 'variants of concern' thing that has the Government's knickers in a twist. They're making decisions based on what SAGE is telling them,...
Right....everyone cross your fingers and toes...there's rumours Mexico is coming off the Red List tomorrow. PLEASE LET IT BE TRUE! Been holding...
Similar to me and my better half then. First visit I'd not long turned 29. Saved for half a year to afford that trip. Worth every penny! Next trip...
I'm guessing the timeshare pitch can vary, depending who is doing the tour, how long they've been there (how desperate they are I guess?) I've had...