lol. Don’t tell his ‘followers’ that his latest suggestion to ingest disinfectant for the virus wont work. It will help reduce the amount of his...
Ha kind of funny to call it a ripoff, say it sucks, 4 times and then offer to sell yours lol you're killing the value of what you are selling :)
I like to think of it as investing in the cure :)
I looked at buying in at open at a bit over 13 today and said let’s just see if there is a dip due to how much it went up yesterday. Nope. Oh...
B4AB5254-E888-47C9-9946-11C630CAA272 by Jen&Kyle posted Apr 23, 2020 at 4:48 PMCDA18239-699B-44B8-A9D2-2E764952B739 by Jen&Kyle posted Apr 23,...
Just looked up Inovio. They are a PA company 15 mins away. Small world. Hope they are successful. See it is up 5% after hours. At 12 something but...
hopefully you cashed in that Gilead before it was too late :)
I took a few pics in the premier lobby when visiting last april. I was always confused by the water running in front of the beach properties. Is...
you may think you are on the temptation website but you likely are not. Don’t want to spread the fake website and give them business but right...
pretty sure that is just for the takeover event.
Thinking more about above we are a perfect example of why vacation spots should be concerned and why social distancing does matter. People in...
Not at all similar in the US. Of course the US is a big place. Depends where you are. I know in Pennsylvania where we live we are way higher than...
When they only test 61 people and of those 61 37 are positive it tells me they are not testing enough people and it is a lot more widespread than...
Since we are sharing what bothers each of us :) ... full disclosure I am conservative fiscally but socially liberal. This year I switched from a...
Having been on that cruise, and knowing the OP, I think the thread took on such a life of it’s own it was like watching a really good reality tv...
oops that should of said first cruise back in 2010, not 2020
thank you. That was a great answer. Appreciate you taking the time to explain the history and logic. Makes a lot of sense
Our answer is we found it to be everything we wanted it to be and to also not be things we would fear it would be. By that I mean, we feared...
Ok this will be a good test to see if 'Ask me Anything' really is a free for all and also means 'I will answer anything' ha I have enjoyed our...
Because most of us dont look at the free for all section at all. Let us have our fun Restling geesh ;)