We did went for swimming at 12 am in the sea. Until the next morning we saw like 15 stingray around Never went into the see again in the middle of...
Make sure to catch me or me to catch you !!! :rolleyes::);)
We always use the safe in the room for passport, wallet, cellphone and Ipad. However our laptop doesn't fit ( and it's required ) so we lock it in...
Hey, they can’t pay their bills in us and In my opinion would kinda loose money exchanging from cad to usd to pesos. We do pesos now since our...
Resort is sold out for few selected dates. April is one of the most busy month i’ll would not risk it to book on a third party site 2 months...
The orange square are the boobs cruise and I switch pink day with animal print so we can raise money and it can be given up on friday ( Boobs...
Print Screen : [ATTACH]
Boobs cruise have been added. Also pink day change for thursday and Animal print on friday.
Ohhh i’m so sorry :( But yeah i wouldn’t check the chance to book true a 3rd party
A friend of mine check for the 14 ( he is a member and it’s completly book nothing available
Not sure i would take the risk to book from a 3rd party. resort is sold out ! [ATTACH]
I just check today for some friend and 11-16 sold out with only 1 -2 different date available. Trendy room only 17 th is available other dates...
We could switch the pink day on another day if needed too i think everyone will agree
:eek::D:D What about men in ladie panties. Bring your white sox flip flop with nude granda panties that goes up to your armpit :marshe:
Yep. I have a swimming suit that look like panties as well here :)
unless you plan to spend ton of time in your room I think it's not really worth it. We just Shower change, sleep, and have sex in ours ! I wake up...
Yes Yep, :) My shopping all done, I bought my sunscreen yesterday as well !! =)
Official Complete Calendar. Only missing out BC on it :)
I'm Happpppyyyy You haveeee noooo idea . Will have tons to catch on !
Thanks to everyone for voting. Here's our official calendar !