We don't know the exact detail, On facebook people said the owner was the ex mayor and he had issue with the cartel ( and was owing money ) I...
what about the strippers ?
CTVNews came out with an article saying Canadian gvnt issue a travel advisorie it was just use high degree of caution in PDC. They suggest to us...
21 days of work. 33 days left. Summer clothes are out all tried on too. Now waiting for my last order of Berrydog and my tutu to show up and...
Having PCOS, I tend to gain weight easier and faster. I can drop all the bad fat and only eat lean protein veggies and carbs ( oven baked potato,...
25 days left of work !! That is awesome . :D
Salad.. Just the word what to make me puke. pissing rain.. Interesting!!!! Pasty white, my pre-tan start back in early february.. I'm still...
I did all the imaginary diet available on the market. The thing with those diet is as soon as you get off of it and you start eating healthy you...
Thirty nine days seventeen hours and thirty-four minutes.. Woot Woot.
I'll even make sure you are awake for your flight this time !!
Hey :) Yeah I've been busy as hell here. Working long hours and spend all my days at work and shopping outfit, almost complete just waiting on my...
I'm not good in maths, however I got an app on my phone that is only job is to count how much time left before I go to TTR ! =)
41 more sweet long day. However, Pre-tanning started already And I should consider trainning my liver soon !! =D
I took them a few times.. I prefer my lovely westjet ! :)
Sunwang sucks terribly. Carry-on only 2 per person and up to 5 KG - This is completly stupid and retarded. ( Just put on and make it up to 10...
Well since Glenn bring so many maybe he can give some out to us. :D Westjet is still 50 pounds I'm Happy :D
Gatineau ( ottawa ) 11-21 st
I might need some ... 47 days
49 days... I'm definitely in need to get out of here.
I bring my own hair straightener but hair dryer I use the one at the resort. However Cancun and my hair is a continual fight so I just use some...