Not ctt. They were there the last day I was. So didn't really met them. Desirious takeover. Let just say when they left the vibe was totally...
No, ctt are from everywhere actually. The group I'm talking about do the tower takeover this year. I think most of them are from texas not sure.
Yep my last trip overlap with them for the last day only :( But apparently you guys are great to party with. If there was a takeover I wouldn't...
I have hard time planning a vacation for the 2 of us as we never know where we will be next. I can't imagine planning for over 100 + people.
I got sent back cause I was flip flop instead of hells in another resort, but they let a man with flip flop in. We like to wear clean and classy...
OMG, please, hat have to be off for anyone at dinner. I guess I was raised as wearing a hat at the table is a lack of disrespect for the waiter...
Nobody is forcing anyone to do anything. You don't have to be topless to be on the Boobs cruise. However they might tease you for that. Generally...
I didn't heard of it, but in the pool they now have somewhat of a roof and during the day if you can't tolerate sun, you can hang out at the bar...
7 trips In cancun we got 2 days of rain total. Usually it's hot as hell during the day. At bash, it's just comfy with the sea breeze. If you are...
In the tower ask for a higher level as close to bash it can be noisy. You only have access to the rooftop if you are a premier member or stay in...
Hahaha. I'll try to make it. :P
Agreed. Chair and outside furniture are the worst idea being invented. We simply decide to not take any chair last april... The concrete floor is...
Yeah, our last day is usually quiet as our shuttle is set for 8h30 am. :( boo
Theme night, we have CCC and resort theme. You can do whatever which one you want. Or just wear anything.. For example, I don't do the boogie...
I have nice dress I like to wear for dinner. Then I go to the room change and get ready !
I do water vodka and mio ( water flavor ) First day curse is bad at TTR, you'll experience something different. Especially with so many shot &...
Security didn't bother. Win win. It's already in my drawyer under my bed with my other stuff to pack
Not part of that group either, but black tape or any type of tape on amazon should work :) they sell all size and color tape. You can also use x...
First timer, be aware of the first day curse. It happen to all of us. First thing after you check in if you don't have your room go grab food....
I didn't went to GOS but I've been to GOV and another family oasis resort. I will ever go there again even if it was free. Oasis food is just...