HAHAHAH ! When I'm drunk is actually funny I speak frenglish !!
Sorry :( French being my native language. I'm getting better at english but frenching is my forte ;)
Mario said so. Will see next april ! They are also looking to either make a pool party at night or let the hot tub open later
Nop Not french Actually. Vivre La révolution in french. No clue, someone ask if they could show one to us, but they was some people so they...
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On Temptation experience facebook page. It's almost over. But I'm pretty sure you'll be able to watch it back, and also SARA is in the live as well :D
I'm watching the live on facebook and apparently they change the chair around the pool! Not sure if they are any better but at least they listen...
Almost in the mid 40. 46 days. 14 hours and 52 minutes. That means 33 more days of working pain.
How many more days til TTR There's one right there ! :)
I've been under a referral, and also just with a regular band. Their '' low '' shelf booze isn't that bad in fact it's way better than it use to...
Let see if this one work .
Your image didn't came out properly, link is bad. Just sayin :) Maybe it's a bug on my side too ! Cause I see it while replying. Oh well :)
Wait, dollar store here seels pack of 40 cups for 1.25 $ / pack. 40PK Shot Glasses | Dollarama I'm pretty sure you can find something at the...
Just saw this whole thread. Thank you I feel like we are a little bit closer to April now. I'm so ready, too much snow, cold and we are on track...
I leave on the 21st :( Not sure flight attendant will approve my clothing choices !!
We are down to 52 days 17 hours 39 minutes now! At least I didn't saw the last week going..hope it will be like that till the end of march :)
I agree. I don't think it's either sexy and or seductive. They should put back pajama, so we can just wear lingerie again ! :)
Same here !!!
deserve a bumpy ride =)
HAHAHAHAHA!! Yeah, I hope your experience will be better than ours. One of our friend was part of that group and another came back asking why they...