Life throw some challenge.. some are easier some are harder. We just go with the flow and make the best out of it. From everything challenge we...
Yes, 8 years have gone so quick. He is an amazing person in and out. We are doing this slowly, we are still very close and love each other a lot...
Lots of thing are about to change in my life. I'll probably end up going with a friend of mine. Anyways.. I could use a vacation right now :/
TTR all the way =)
We went to Cancun twice in march. Both time we freeze our legs. That being said, we are still very busy in march so unable for us to travel. In...
I'm not on a keto diet.. But I have to watch my sugar as my body is insulin resistance and under med to control it. Those med make me really sick...
Youpie. Ça va être une maudite longue hiver. Mais j'ai TELLEMENT hâte de vous voir. P-e aurons nous droit au retour du coq qui sait ;) I'm...
I agree. !! trip too short ! :)
April 2020 Exact date TBD. Looking at 15-25th date range.
@matchandherbetterhalf feels like it's been FOREVER. Vince did the calendar last year actually will see if he does next year. I would say I did...
Hey guys :) Hope everyone has a lovely summer. We are looking to come back either 15-25 or 18-25 or in theses range date. Our big season didn't...
Organizing theme night per day. It happens to us before our suitcase got wet and all of our clothes as well so by using ziploc it keep them clean...
Westjet messed up our flight we are now scheduled 13th to April 24th. See you all soon ! =)
Jess & Ben going to TTR on April 13th for our 6th trip. We are under the snow and definitely needs sun to kiss our skin.
25 days. I'm so so so so so ready !!
Bump :) Soon to be in paradise :)
April is only 25 days away. Bump!
I book via trivago as well and bring me to travelup. My confirmation and reservation was all confirmed at TTR. We got a great deal too and I...
Awww =) You'll heard a lot of it, as you are there my entire trip ! :D