I suppose you will see. Save some bribe cash to get you outta there if necessary. The way it is going it might be sparse and you can have the...
Just not in the cards. But hope to see you two next time around!
For those whom give a shit, we cancelled our short Feb 10-14 trip. Too much BS to deal with at the moment. Although I believe it highly unlikely,...
Yes, many. Including possibly us. But one will never know for sure because of the variance on incubation period.
Usually Jannet puts it out 2-3 months before so probably ~Mar or April 1.
Go figure? How is that different from every other night?:D
Just tried it. Was nice and calm. Nothing like TTR, and supposedly less than RM too. Trying RM in June...probably with John and crew.
Just wanted to point out for folks as a public service announcement as it was confusing to me... Desire Resort Forum (this thread) is for Desire...
PM me and we can trade ;)
We have found it is up to the discretion of the restaurant manager and also how busy the resort is. Again, consistent inconsistency!
Nice jeans seem to be ok some times but not other times. Most consistent thing is inconsistency. Maybe bring the jeans assuming they will be ok,...
Fir most it is long pants and closed toes shoes...but as everything it us inconsistent. Best to dress in long pants, and not jeans, with dress...
It’s hard to say as different strokes for different folks! But all inclusive price is still very competitive for lodging, all food, all drink,...
So we shall be joining 12/29-1/2. Found a Bash Tower room. Not our fav but good enough.
We have had a change in plans and are trying to get a room now!
Paul & Rayanne Feb 10-14 (a quicky) Number in Group: 2 BC: nope
Dang! Who did she get them from???
Although these xmas and new years wishes are great to get back in our other spirits of the season... Ho ho ho...that’s boats and ho’s to everyone!
No, technically June Junkies is a particular week, just like some other groups, and some may debate this statement from the original group, but...