Absolute bullshit! We may cancel our Halloween trip. Will be our 25th. Just too much going on we do not like. Makes us both sick as we still like...
14th-18th with some others
Rayanne orders my square cuts from Skinz . I have about 15 suits and all are the sane...size. They are hand made to a pattern so the quality of...
Holy fuck! What is going on there??? Stolen bags at pool. Stolen phones. And now this! @Steve
Steve... “I don't go to Mexico to eat shit drunken burgers...” That’s because you go to Mexico to be shit drunk and eat burgers...or tacos! As...
And now some nights no burgers at all, but tacos...wtf???
Hate to get political or socioeconomic but I believe the hotel was severely hurt by the covid issues, lack of Canadians and Europeans. Hence they...
OP appears spot on after our 20 trips since reno. Folks, things are a chsngin’ at TTR and NOT for the better. Appears to get worse each trip. So...
@summerbum don’t hold your breaths!
It depends on the crowd. Been many times and goes from mild to wild. Of course, typically more tame before lunch and heating up after lunch due to...
Also known as the beginning of the end :p
Steve, once again you did not expand your percentages out to 16 place decimals so your figures are simply misleading ;)
Indeed! Some of our best friends and best times are Canadian ! Miss them dearly :(
I/we have nothing to add with respect to was and now. Everything I read was pretty much spot on with our experiences. Remember, “the older we get,...
Disagree on the bona-fide lifestyle resort. It is a bona-fide clothing optional resort. We have met many many whom prefer nudity but are not in...
So it sounds like you two get it and the other couple may be soon converts. You need to dump the rest of those fuddy-duddy friends and get on...
Dental floss does not hide much!
Not really talking politics...he is a complete asshole! I have always believed this, long before these recent events. In fact, don’t really like...
Heard it comes with happy endings for both of you. Just sayin’