It's my first time outside of the not/Dec time but need to use my member weeks before they shut down. Got a few of the other degenerates to come...
Ooh! Eeyore is lovable! Realized after buying some of my costumes have to make a decision on shaving off the oilfield beard or not, will either...
Mickey was good also.
Hey! that's my shtick. Get your own thing.
Holy shit! Long time no see! You get in the day before me. Bringing a couple of old friends!
Bartenders make Jack Daniels on the rocks really well.
It's sleep because it's a shorter than normal vacation right?
There's been some responses to it so I don't think we'll be the only ones. Have a good idea. Probably won't be home until the day before the trip...
Go Nate!
If the parties going at the pool all day don't know how many 4am nights they'll be but I'm sure going to try!
It's a recurring joke we have. It was four in morning and I was shitfaced. Guess I walked up to Trish and drunkedly told her the rules and walked...
It's Trish's husband. He's my bodyguard.
Glad you guys caved in and are coming! Remember the rules. 1. Make sure I eat 2. Make sure I sleep 3. Don't let Russ fuck me
Since we've got a few people going I have a photo countdown going in the nakify FB page so people will know who we are. It's listed under Jesse...
I'll definitly ask them. They are a lot of fun. I've done around twenty of them over he last eight years.
If it comes down to needing a tie breaker I'll book just so it can go. My British friends just booked the resort today also. That'll be there...
Woo hoo! Tell Russ he's on crown royal duty!
You can sign up the day of as well as long as it's not sold out. Just meet up at patty o's early with everyone else and ask if there's a spot....
Like the cruise on the ninth it'll be a game day choice. Learned not to plan too far ahead when you're up until there or four every night.
Came up with a great white night idea but it really depends on people point of references to the 90's.