Of course. Assumed that was a given.
The water at the resort is potable. The maids will also leave a couple of the liters of bottled water in your room. If you ask they'll leave extras.
They're ok. Same as any spa. If you walk down the beach a bit under a blue tent they have massage tables set up for $40. Really well done and you...
This is definitely going to be the less is more trip. That's saying a lot from me!
Haven't heard from Rene. He going with you?
Lack of shame helps and if it's funny I'll generally do it.
With long hair most my luggage is silly costumes and hair care products.
I always used to drink vodka and seven on vacation but it hit me bad. Swapped to straight bourbon and haven't had a problem. No swelling or hangovers.
They have both but I bring my own hair dryer. Little more powerful.
Fine. We'll have the topless pool party in Dallas without you then!
A good one is bringing those powdered supplements that you add to the water to replenish your electrolytes, helps with the dehydration.
Day 17 [IMG][IMG] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Good idea! The code name will be whack a mole!
Can't be as bad as Berlin.
Usually easy for me. Long hair and I'll be one of the only Mexicans not working there.
Might not be a bad idea. I'm going to re up my membership to the higher tier package to lock in the rates. Christa is going to the meeting with me...
Day 18 [IMG][IMG] Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
You guys will have a blast!
Been 112 the last couple of days here with no reprieve in sight.
It's going to suck this year with the group getting split up. Seems to be two major resorts people are choosing from or just skipping all...