Sorry cutiepie. What I meant is that tabata is good when itis applied as the research suggests but healthclubs are not paying attention to the...
Tabata is being abused right now by people in the fitness industry that are trying to look for the next edge to beat their competition. It was put...
She still is asking about the fixer up question. Based on costs that could cool her heels a little.:icon_lol:
Yes how are some of those muscles shaping up Kim?:wink3:
Chinos used to fix a few of these at the bar in the BBG days!!
Sherry lets get th contest won first. The bold comment is not helping me LOL
We live just north of ND. Most people from that state are more Canuck than American!
Well those bat rastards!!!!! We will have to hold a bottle drive. At first I thought I could send my wife with her but that would be too much of...
Karyn, welcome to the board glad we can provide some modivation!
Or one of us takes one for the team and we go in his place!
Darren Sherry is going to win so you got mexico covered. We just got to figure how to get u to Regina and we will pack you to New Orleans!!
one of the great things about bring a canuck from the rural sticks is the awesome splendor momma nature can show you when she lights up the...
All the medical research suggests that you need not eliminate cardio due to the procedure you had.
You could pick a hallway and knock on every door introducing your self as the newbies. Your either going to find somewhere to leave your luggage...
I think that when she wins a preview of her routine for the big competition should be given say in New Orleans?? Where else would you get an...
Do any of the USA sites have at least online info that is helpful?
We are taking everybody back that votes for you??:clappyinghappy:
Sherry, since there is a concern about fake email addresses, have you thought of a legal bomb by having everyone that knows you asks 3-4 friends...
Have you tried the leLeche league on line? They may have online referral in your area or at the least reviewable info.
How about take less/no clothes?