Awesome! Great to see a bit more Cancuncare presence in the show. That being said lets try to encourage anyone that is fence sitting or really...
Cabs from the airport are marketed up enough that the reliable transfer on this site is WAY worth it!
Wow! This really needs to happen! Imagine killing 2 bucket list things in one weekend. Strike be gone bring on Peyton!!
But Rob the crucial question is did you recruit enough Canadians for the volleyball match on the rooftop in the bayoo ?
Ok Kim I have left this thread alone for some time(you asked remember) but I do have to jump in once I read about the smoking and increased...
Anybody want to know where Bob lives? With a good prairie wind behind him he could even throw a snowball across the border. Sorry to out you Bob.
Really you have to quit bailing out big business every time they create a new risky investment class. You can't keep spending next years social...
Unless someone swipes your data, as has happened in mexico occasionally, and you come home to a maxed out card!
Well now for another Canadian offering their southern cousins a new take on things! Lol A really BIG problem on the south side of the 49th is...
Several years ago when Steve migrated the forums or did a major upgrade a lot of posts that were older had to go the way of the DoDo. I'm not sure...
remember this is still a 3+star resort. As a result the selection will be limited. The bartenders will keep your bottle behind the bar if you slip...
Ok I got to dive in to this sexist survey and say should there also be a poll of how many wives encounter bad behaviour towards their husband by...
A thread circulating on the temptations Cancun board suggests our feerless leader may be going soft by avoiding the more spirited party atmosphere...
So the REAL reason for the death of the "got to be there or be square party tour" has come to light. Next it will be fake drinking, the glass that...
Ok so why in the age of satellite tv is it important to get the local weather regarding storm warnings when the weather (rain fade) blanks out the...
Wicked Weasel has surprised us even with their shipments to Canada. I suspect since they can put your entire order in a kids juice box makes it...
The bus is safe easy and cheap. not to mention a great way to see the local ways.
If it is not Dave/Ellie could it be related to the New York poster that got a few bad comments or could it be the same individual that took the...
Well Barb you and Brenda will have to be on best Canadian behaviour while we are there!
Now Rob shall we order the tequila now?? Will you allow one armed play?