But most of the western Canadians are just planning on sleeping in the streets so they won't appear on any room tally ;-)
Here is a little bone fide medical anatomy and science. First as you go up the atmospheric pressure decreases so your sinus can expand so all is...
Jamie way to post man! Remember the back lash a few Years ago when they wouldn't fill the u bring bubba kegs. Jeez the resort was going to fold...
Rob, I am in the process of contacting the host hotel with a special request that the adjust the pool temp to Canadian standards. Since we don't...
Ms. Pie, congrats on the kettle bell idea. Yes you can count on sore for the first 4-5 workouts. If you can stick it out for 6 weeks at 3 per week...
Sorry I just couldn't resist!
Did you hear that James is coming to TTR as a post contest performance?
Sure I just want to really get Rob thinking. We have to dominate at something cause we sure won't beat his party throwing!
Yes we have and you really are comparing two different animals. Hedo can be it's usual or over the top crazy depending on the event and the gorup...
Alas our best and worst pics were on B&B's camera and some aren't pretty. Rob I believe I started the men can wear pink and a bikini all in one go...
Yes we will have to get that arranged. Our flight gets us in fairly late thursday as flying from the prairies really sucks. I think we will need...
Hey fellow Canucks ! We too are booked to get in Thursday nite and don't fly out til Monday. We were bold enough to do that cause we knew Rob...
Well there have been levels upon llevels of taxes applied to all travelers out of Canada. You also have to factor in the lack of competition in...
You know I just looked up and saw that we have been dealing with these 20 or less pounds for 29 pages of posts. You got to believe that they are...
Sorry I forgot the Billy Crystal line "You Look Mahvelous!"
Now Kim I saw pics of you in pics and albums section on your April trip and I got to ask how much smaller do you need to get too?
Great post this all works until you try looking at Canadian airfares into any place state side. It really sucks when you live near the border and...
If you think these rumors sound bad you should have travelled in the old BBG days especially right after the hurricane damaged desire and they re...
What you need to do is be classified as the toy fellas !!