And you two were worried about not finding any orange wrist bands!!! You will be the life of many parties if you keep this up.
All beaches in Mexico are public there by anyone can walk by and if they are not trying to sell things can generally linger by staying off resort...
Let me just say that when it is boys against the girls the ladies always win!
Jump up a post or two and read thru the entire swinging thread then all questions will be answered!
Before the site reset some of us were (pout pout) owners of a lot more post credits
We have a little twister experience too. how about blindfold and 5 couples. blindfold one half of a couple(say male). Then sit the other 4 halves(...
Jeff/Deb scroll back a few pages as I provided an exhaustive list of favorable calorie expenditures for a lot of activity:icon_wink: On a...
Look up ibizza sue on this sight. She runs a bar on ibizza but likely might know some suggestions for your quest.
Hey you two how are you keeping? We bet Kent like a little taste of Sask winter weather? Our recent trip to the DR seems like a thing of the past...
We may need someone going to TTR this spring to bring him up to speed. BUT..... They may not have holding cells big enough for the group if he...
So does anybody have an email address for the guy? I wonder if he cruises this board at all?
From the different threads it sounds like they heat the water in the 4 submerged hot tubs which then spills over into the pools.
Of all the resorts that you could pick I suspect that this would be the one where they would feel the most comfortable short of going to an actual...
Hey maybe we need to export the famous Chinos to be the drill sargent for the saggy bottoms New Orleans parade!!!
Just got done half of my workout here. Unfortunately can't give a weight total as I have not been on the scale in 4 months! Jeans are fitting...
Unfortunately all HRT carries some risk of increased cancer inclubing bio identical as well
Just save some for New Orleans in Oct too!!!!
Sue, now I see where you are always disappearing to for hours on end!
Lynfa, shows you how long it has been since we were there!!!!!