This where we need a Dislike tab. We will do our best to pick up the slack.
Used them 3 times and wouldn't do it any other way now.
Welcome back!
Where is northtexan???????
It's about time! Game? Or Games on.....
That's too bad but glad you're getting back down. Have fun!
Us too. And if get 2108-2115 you can step right out the patio door to the sexy pool. If we have to go to bed before the loudness ends, not had any...
In November the overlooking hot tub was no longer members only. Still didn't appear to get much use.
They stop at the island to eat. A buffet of salads, fried fish, chicken, mashed potatoes, and other misc stuff. Don't recall seeing any Modelo...
2 paid for the 27th!
We just got back from our Thanksgiving trip with the Chaos Crew. Next trip this January 25th-Feb 1st. You guys coming back same time? I something...
There is no way we could survive that long of a trip. See ya 1/25
Can't say I recognize you if you have the white out faces in your avatar?
That would be me.
No laws for Missouri. Game on!
Jan 25th-Feb 1st. Will be on the 27th Boobs Cruise!
We have done almost every tour available over the 15+ years we have been going to Cancun and the Boobs Cruise is definitely the best bang for the...
2 for the 27th. Won't forget the whipped cream this time!
We would have taken you with us had we known you wanted to go. 1 US dollar bus ride. The place really looks pretty nice.
Leaving this afternoon for an overnight stop in Dallas. TTR in the morning. Jessie, How far are you from the airport? Pre party?