The Boobs Cruise is a Party Cruise with some Awesome people!! Plus add some SEXY Fun!! :p:p:p Hours are 10am to about 4pm! Everything is included!...
First Rounds on ME!! :D:D:D
Hello! Welcome to the Party!! :):):) Have an Open Mind! Pack light! Swimsuits by Day! Dinner attire for Dinner! Join in on the Theme Nights!...
It's hard to say! Each cruise is different & depends on the guest at the resort! We are coming into the summer months so I'm figuring a lot more...
Welcome to the Party!! :D:D:D:D HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! :):):) Drinks on Me!! :p:p:p
ENJOY!! :):):) Happy Birthday!! :D:D:D:D
They meet at the marina to the right if your looking at the resort from the beach around 10/10:30! Depending on the amount of people going! you...
My plans are to be there for Singles Mingle Week!! :D:D:D May 22 to 30th! :):):)
Welcome to the Family!! :):):) Hope to see you both at the Sexy Pool!! Drinks are on Me!! :D:D:D:p:p:p
ENJOY!!! :p:p:p:D:D:D:D
You can buy a t shirt on the Boobs Cruise link on the home page where you book the cruise! I would ask Jannet if she has the Cancuncare cover ups!
Yes!! A cover up is needed!! :):):)
Bring a second top or cover up for lunch!! They don't bring the tops down until the end of the trip! They sell Cancuncare sashs & T shirt shirts...
You'll have a BLAST!! Chino LOVES single girls!! Have an open minded!! Anything can happen!! :p:p:p:p:p:p
I know many from the Singles Mingle group will be attending the Cruise on the 24th!! :D:D:D:D:p:p:p:p
You'll have A Great Time!!! :D:D:D Maybe I'll see U at the Sexy Pool!! :):):):)
ENJOY!!! :):):):):)
The Theme nights take place at night in Club BASH!! They do have pool party themes too! But Burning Land will take place at Bash!! Think Mad Max...
Welcome to the Party!!! Have a BLAST!!! :D:D:D:D:D