1 week left, did I just say 1 week left. Yes i DID. 4-17
Keep me inform.
Have to give her the newbie welcome to TTR. You will c us in crazy funny tee-shirts.
8 more days, and 7 more sleeps.
Ok, I may be 55, but explain a sex toy exchange again.
So I have 8 days and 7 sleeps left.
No problem, I arrive on the 17th, and my friend arrives the next day. She's a newbie, myself 9 times.
We will be there 4-17
Will c everyone on Tues 4-17
10 days left here
Smelling the tequila now.
13 DAYS LEFT, smelling the tequila
14 little old days left
2 weeks, 14 little old days left.
USA Transfer done, that was the last thing to do. April 17th is around the corner.
Will look for the hat
Hey now, do I have to look down. Lol
A good friend of mine told me I wasn't going alone, so she's coming with me. It's her 1st time.