Guess what guys, I just made my reservation for TTR. Dates are 10-29th to 11-02. See u guys there. Traveling alone.
Where at the airport can I exchange my American money, and is it worth it doing it at the airport.
I think my mind is made up 4 Halloween at TTR this year, I'll be coming by myself.
Since I'm deciding on coming back 2 TTR 4 Halloween I'll probably b taking Frontier airlines from EWR then.
Thanks everyone for your replies.
Hey guys I know it's been awhile, I haven't been to TTR for Halloween in a minute, might have to count myself in this year.
I need help from my TTR people. Have anyone ever flown Frontier Airlines. I'm asking because Frontier have really discounted fares out of EWR one...
Single guy now, thinking I'm also thinking about a solo trip for the same dates. It will be my 9th trip.
Finally heard back from my senior manager, he is upholding my again stupid manager not giving me the Halloween days off, when looking at the...
Hey guys my stupid manager denied my Halloween vacation, maybe it had something with me calling him stupid. Waiting to hear back from my senior...
I usually go get a massage on the beach, just keep walking past the volleyball net.
Still trying to decide on the end of September when a friend of mine can come with me, or H&H when I would have 2 travel alone.
Still trying to decide between Sept 24th-29th, or Hotties and Hellraisers in Oct. I will be a single guy with 8 visits under his belt.
U know u r right
I haven't done H&H in about 2 years, but have been to 3 of them. Well I'm single now and was debating either some time in September or H&H. It...
I might be making a solo trip this time, don't know the dates yet, but it will be the 8th time.
Haven't been for about 3 years to TTR 4 Halloween. Thinking about going this time, but it will be as a single. Will still have fun, its TTR after...
I've tried buying her half, but she doesn't want 2 sell it 2 me, then smiled about it.
Or make her even mader.
Hello to all my TTR family. Need alittle advice. Me & my exgirlfriend brought a membership with Temptations in 2009. We have since parted ways,...