Wish I could. Such a short trip this time Ugh.
Polly and I going back May 15-19th. :marshe:
I say Fetish night also. But hell glow school girl would be fun too
Ya no one really loves those Which is why we nights we put Cancuncare themes on those nights
Basically you could do either. Many of us, having gone multiple times like to change them up. Certain themes may don't appeal to many of us. So...
Anytime Mister Mayor. Xo Awesome job as always. Thank you
I left the high participation ones and fit the high vote ones on the meh themes. Lol Gotta mix things up a little for the people that stay 2...
Thank you to all who voted!!! Temptation Resort Theme Cancuncare Theme TUESDAY May 1st:::: Heaven n' Hell WEDNESDAY May 2nd:::: Lingerie...
Yes it will be out this week, probably tomorrow yayyyyy
Yes The list will be out this week
It will be out this week
May 13-19th
You can vote for up to 2 theme nights! So vote vote vote!!!! Closes in 14 days -Uniform If it requires a uniform it goes.. Police, Dr, Nurses,...
We have a Fetish ABC tie we need broken. Write in some votes please
I do normal heels for dinner and giant heels for Bash. But that's me. Do whatever you feel comfortable in. If you want heels with flip flip back...
Sorry. I screwed up it closed Tuesday. Dammit. We have ties we need to break please. I'll take write ins at this point. Sorry guys
Oh shit! It closed Tuesday!
@Butch-N-Amy Well get up there and vote. Lol I need to break that damn tie. Hahaha
Superheros is now on the list of temptation theme nights