[IMG] Why do I love this so much?!?! ❤️❤️❤️
Well if it's the big giant rubber duckie then ya. Pic is missing for the general public. Your albums are private. I saw a few floats again this...
I have and love their stuff. Comparable with yandy. I mean it's not the most amazing quality, but typically slut wear, at that price range, isn't....
I know a lot of our may crowd, after visiting in October or other times, picked desire over temptation. Just has that more intimate feel that the...
Ya it wasn't the normal may mayhem vibe. Too big I tell you. It was a great time But just different.
Ok back and detoxing. Looking forward to starting theme shopping already. And making so many great memories, and new friends. ❤️❤️
Check the first page of this thread for the themes, resort /cancuncare themes can be found there.
Have I mentioned lately how much I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ :D
That is phuckin awesome!! Ahahaha <3
Why thank you love. Ugh I wish . God knows I'd rather be there than here in the cold. Maybe I put the airfare on the watch list. Wouldn't hurt
Love steampunk [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Usually foam parties are on Thursday. Saw someone that just got back that they are Saturdays I don't know if that was a special thing or they moved.
Wish they would come out with their stuff like last year Hahaha
I know plenty that don't wear pasties or draws, And never had an issue . But different nights, different security different rules etc .
Dark rum and soda (Appleton estate) Yaaaayyyy !! See you at the sexy pool phuckers
Drinks are good. I can't speak for the beer at the bars Just the room beer. Which I enjoy after drinking at the bar all night
I think it's more fun when people don't know your costume That way they have to come up and ask. I originally thought vampirella also. You need...
Good idea. Save that thought for next year's vote.
It means he's moving this thread up on the page. Bumping it up
I know!!!! Not cool. Dammit. I miss you guys