Pic is from Masquerade years ago. No one is going to be the only one doing any sort of theme cuz this is a highly participating group. I know...
Hey Newbies!!! 78 days to go!!!! Yaaaayyyy
Congratulations!!! Oh that's a lil tease of a vacation. Hopefully you'll book a longer trip when you get home ;) -Bring a insulated mug for...
All good love. Hope you and Mar are doing great. Miss yoouuuu!!!!! Xoxoxo
Stories come when we all hang out.. In person... Not for jerk off fodder on the thread. Lmao. Like Vegas, what happens in Cancun stays in Cancun....
Love you Tom!!! Xo
I wish. Wasn't me love. Sigh..
24 weeks until I'm jumping out of my skin to see my sexy ass friends!!!! Meeeeeeepppp! I'm not going to ask for time to go quickly. I'm gonna...
Sorry love. Not making it this may. I'll see some of you sexy phuckers in October, Halloween baby. I'm sure everyone will have a blast Xoxo
The Hotties n Hellraisers are doing a theme for the 2nd also. But yes the day of the dead costumes are really cute ❤️
What what!?!? Shock n awe! Can't wait to see you guys !!!! [IMG]
Melissa October 26- November 4th See you guys at the sexy pool!
Added more nights on. Now staying from October 26- until November 4th :D
October 26- Nov 1st Just me Maybe
That's exactly what I was gonna write Great minds mistah!!!
Oh and we always brought Lucy too The blow up lamb
I always brought the big duck or Swan , started at hedo doing duck jumping contest Extremely dangerous, but oddly fun sport. But funny I never...
I know your hate floaties Buuuuuuutttt No... Guests had them as well and the resort confirmed that guests are more than welcome to bring big...
Even aliexpress I had good luck with. But some things took three weeks, others six weeks. And yes they are China sizing so read the reviews if...
Check out the Hotties n Hellraisers thread