Best of luck to everyone down there, hopefully not as bad as being reported.
makes an ass out of u and me :D
Well I can't say anything bad about her, nothing but a sweetheart to me so far :D Tons of help from her. Thanks again :D
lol so your the innocent type :D
lol Sure it hasn't happened to you? :wink:
Really that bad hey. I guess that some people just don't know how to handle it.
Well booze does the talking most of the time in places like that. No doubt that you see it all.
Even a glance and a smile will work. you don't have anything to worry about being judged.
Well you need to let a guy know somehow that you are interested. Hard to avoid the eye contact.
That's the kind of news I like to hear :D :lol:
That is true, but gotta remember that women are just as bad, they just aren't so public about it. :wink:
We are only human :lol:
Yeah, we do get a good one out every now and then for a couple of days, it's pretty funny actually, everyone being all nice to her and stuff....
Imagine what I feel like if your saying that. :lol:
lol true enough. But you still think they would like to keep us And I hope that was in reference to the women :wink: :lol:
Well you must not notice the guys then, you should have no troubles at all.
We do three weeks on the rig and three weeks off. Three weeks out there with no where to go or anything, gets to ya after a while. Exciting when...
Except the time you have to spend on
Congrats on the new job.